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Bandeira de Portugal
Bandeira de Reino Unido



First Results on WebAVALIA

The publication titled "WebAVALIA: analysis of students’ opinions and experiences using an e-assessment tool in collaborative learning" is now available in open access through the Education and Information Technologies journal. This paper presents the results regarding the students’ perception of their use of WebAVALIA.


WebAVALIA Communication

The communication "How to distinguish members in a workgroup? WebAVALIA" was presented at the second FICR International Conference on Rising Threats in Expert Applications and Solutions (FICR-TEAS) on 7 Jan 2022, at Jaipur, India 


WebAVALIA Paper 

The paper "Webavalia: Algorithm Improvement of an eAssessment Tool Based on a User Survey" has been published in the volume 16 of the IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje. The paper presents a framework that collects feedback from a survey and translates those results into parameter values that dynamically change the distribution function of the final individuals' mark. 

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WebAVALIA Publication 

The paper "Improving Workgroup Assessment with WebAVALIA: The Concept, Framework and First Results" was published in the volume 19 of the Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice. This paper counts as the first presentation on WebAVALIA.


WebAVALIA Publication and Presentation

The paper "Analysing and Improving Mathematical Formulation of Webavalia: A Self and Peer Assessment Tool" was presented in EDUCON 2020 conference. held on April 27-30th, 2020. This conference was focused on "Engineering Education for the Future in a Multicultural and Smart World". The paper was published in this conference proceedings.


WebAVALIA Presentation

A brief presentation on WebAVALIA and its website was made during an online lecture of Sistemas de Informação para a Gestão of the Accounting and Administration Degree, from Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto (ISCAP).


Paper on Sensos-e

From the presentation at Fórum Interno P. Porto 2019, held in May 9 and 10 of 2019, the paper "Group work: does everybody contribute with the same intensity?" was published in Vol. 6 No. 3 (2019) of Sensos-e Journal.

forum interno 2019

WebAVALIA Communication

On May 9, 2019, there was the presentation of "WebAVALIA: Contribuem todos com a mesma intensidade?" at the Fórum Interno P. Porto 2019. This communication intended to present WebAVALIA, as well as the motivations to its development.


Communication about WebAVALIA

The communication "WORK GROUP! Do all the members contribute the same?" presented at 3º Congresso Internacional de Psicologia, Educação e Cultura, held on January 25 and 26, 2019, at the Instituto Superior Politécnico Gaya (ISPGAYA). The purpose of this communication was to present the motivations for the use of workgroups and WebAVALIA development.

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Presentation about WebAVALIA

A lecture on Problem-based Learning and WebAVALIA was given during the participation on the Mobility ERASMUS + ICM - Investigation (STT) program, from July 6th to 13th, 2018, at University of Prishtina in Kosovo.


WebAVALIA Seminar

In December, 2017, a seminar on "Improving Group Work Assessment with WebAVALIA: The Concept, Framework and First Results" was given at "edTech & Interactive technologies research seminar", University of Eastern Finland, Finland.

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Webinar on WebAVALIA

In November, 2017, a webinar about the platform "WEBAVALIA - Distinguish individual performance in work groups" was broadcast in India. 

University of Split

Lecture on WebAVALIA

During the participation in the Mobility ERASMUS + Teaching (STA) 2016/18 program, held in June 26th to 30th, it was presented the lecture “WebAVALIA - Distinction of individual performance in a group work Framework”, at University of Split, in Croatia.


Lecture on AVALIA

Participation in the I Ciclo de Palestras em Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação, held in April 6th, 2016, at ISCAP, where the presentation "Software AVALIA - Distinção do desempenho individual num trabalho de grupo" was delivered.

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